Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Are you packed yet?

Groups from Maryland, Michigan, Ohio, Missouri, Pennsylvania, Minnesota & Wisconsin are preparing to leave in the next few days for Appalachian Servant Event 2013.  This is the question of the week - "Are you packed yet?"

Oh to be a youth who only has to pack for myself and enjoy the ride!  Alas, no!  I am not packed.  I have my trunk (thanks Sol!) dragged up to the kitchen from the basement.  I have thrown a few random things in it.  I have a thorough packing list.  I have borrowed air mattresses.  The laundry is done so that I CAN pack, when I get home. 

See the thing about being an adult, and a mom to boot, is that I ALSO have to make sure things are ready at work for me to be gone, the bills are paid at home, I have all my extra adult leader & leadership team stuff packed, and, oh yeah, you might want to pack some clothes.  Needless to say I feel a little like a chicken running around with its head cut off.  But that is OK.  You know why?

At the end of the day I know that GOD is really in control of all of this.  If I forget something, I don't really need it or can work it out.  The things that are really needful will get done. God will provide somehow.  He always does.  AND the ride will be well worth the trouble of getting ready.  It always is.  Every year that I have attended Appalachian Servant Event God is revealed to me in new ways, I learn something new about myself, and I meet new friends.  It is a sabbatical rest for me in some crazy unconventional way.  Who knew digging ditches and doing home repair could be a rest? 

And so, no, I am not packed.  It'll get done.  Hopefully not at 1am Friday morning, but if that is what God ordains, so be it.  I am looking forward to seeing my Servant Event family again on Saturday.  Those of you staying behind at home, please keep us all your prayers while we are away.

Nikki Spangler