Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Sunshine, water, mud, & tears

Cecilia Bronsberg - Today we had an early start for the first day of work on our sites. We had some hot breakfast and filled up our water bottles before we left. We made our way to the sites and met the people who we would be helping. We started to dig a hole for the septic tank and then we decided it needed to be in a different area. So we started digging a hole and then shortly found out that that spot wouldn’t work because water started to fill it up from underground. So some people started to make another hole, the 3rd try, to place the septic tank into while others started digging a trench. When we were done for the day we heading to the YWCA for our showers and headed home after a good day of work.

Solomon Spangler - Today was the first day actually on the site.  We woke up early and headed off.  Then we played Charades until the trenches were marked out.  After we started digging things went pretty smoothly apart from some confusing puzzle mind games.  I also learned how to use a laser level.

James Spangler - Today we started work at our sites. We quickly ran into a dilemma with our septic pit. The first spot that they began digging was the incorrect location and had to be moved over several feet in order to continue. After that great progress was made on the second pit.....until they hit the water table at about 2ft, the pit is suppose to be 6ft deep. Luckily the inspector was not far away and came back out to survey the situation and instruct us on how to proceed. Once again the pit was moved, this time for good (hopefully) and we were able to make good progress on it before finishing for the day, we were also able to make great headway on the trench and tearing up the flooring inside, we should be able to start laying new a floor soon.

Crystal Schupbach - Today was an exciting day full of new things. We awoke bright and early so that we could get a start on our work sites. Our work site consisted of digging trenches for the septic tank that would be placed there. Throughout the time that we were digging we  talked  to each other, and we played with brain riddles which were difficult and frustrating for some of us. Nonetheless, we all had fun laughing at the fact that we were having a hard time solving them. After we had done a bit of digging we met some of the owner’s relatives (grandchildren perhaps?) who were named Tori and Dominique. They had very much character and gave us a laugh by telling us of some of their escapades. The girl even told us she’d make us pies tomorrow which I thought was very kind and adorable. After we got off the sites, “The Y” allowed us to shower at their facilities which we were all grateful for. Later on, we had community life, spiritual life, and worship as usual which was a nice close to our day.

JT Mrozek - Today was a great day. Although we did not get any supplies on our site today. I made sure to stay busy anyways. For example, I helped measure out lengths to make sure wiring will be easier tomorrow and no one gets hurt! Then I helped discuss what we should do the next couple of days and helped make a list of supplies that we will need to help Mr. Goldsmith. We helped cut down two trees so that he didn't have to do it himself. After that we made our selves a tad bit useful and went to the creek and explored instead of sitting around waiting for supplies to show up, which they didn't till we were leaving, we could be enjoying the three mountains surrounding us. Today was still fun! so I think I need a bit of sleep just a wee bit tired today.

Trish Mrozek
I forgot to mention that last night we played another name game to get to know people's names from the group.  All of you who know me know how bad I can be at names.  Well this game involved stickers on your face for not saying the phrase properly or pausing before choosing a person.  I had three on my face.  JT ended up with at lease five....woohoo, I didn't lose that game to him.  LOL

Today was our first day at our work sites.  What an adventure it turned out to be, at least for our site.  We arrived at the site a little on the late side because the inspector wasn't going to be there for a bit and we needed his instruction on where we needed to dig and  how big the holes needed to be (This all reminded me of the Disney movie "Holes").  Anyway, the kids pretty much spend their time playing charades which I just watched for entertainment. So this was the first part of our adventure today.   They found ways to stay entertained while we waited on instructions for digging.  We have two septics we are putting in.  We have to dig the field and then four 40 feet long ditches for the drainage portion.  

Our second part of this adventure came when we went to check our Gatorade cooler; only to find some ice in there.  Turns out the cooler was busted and now we had Gatorade all over the van floor.  With that and being just about out of water in our water cooler one, me and my new friend, Jeanette, headed to the local grocery store Ingles and purchased some
Gatorade.  We left our mark of red mud, not a lot just a popcorn trail kind....two actually, she left one trail and I left a trail, but the kids were properly hydrated.

It was hot and muggy.   We did get some breezes and shade from time to time to cool off.  We drank plenty of water to keep hydrated and the kids worked extremely hard today.  The UPS man noticed us and wished us well on our digging.  Another neighbor yelled out great job keep up the good work.  The last one that made a comment drove by and saw us all working so hard and offered a case of Dr. Pepper to the kids to which our "resident nurse" Jeanette replied thank you but no, that isn't a good way to hydrate.  We all got a good chuckle out of it and the woman was so happy and proud to see us working and was very  moved and touch by saying what a great thing it was that were were doing, holding her hand on her heart and getting teary eyed.  This wasn't even for her but it made her feel so good that people out there still do good things.  As a Christian serving in this capacity it is very humbling and feels great to serve others in this way.

Our goal is to have the field and four ditches completely dug out by tomorrow.  We did stay late at our site today and plan to do the same for tomorrow.  They are forecasting rain and this needs to be filled in before the rain comes.  

So to finish my day, I sprayed the inside of the van down with a hose to get the Gatorade smell out of there.  PM (Pastor Matt) helped me squeegee out the excess water from the carpet in there and find a fan that we could leave running all night.  It's going to take a couple days to completely dry out because it is so humid; but I'm hoping it will keep the smell to a minimum.

I forgot to mention that we all got our Secret Servant person to write notes to and such.  You can write them to anyone but this person is someone in the group you focus most on.  Still have to make my Kmart trip to pick her up something special (She's from Ohio).  Kinda excited to try and put something in everyone's bag.

So this that, I bid you a blessed evening (or day - depending on when you are reading this).  Also please make sure you can send an email message to every one in our group by just sending an email to oursaviorASE@gmail.com.  We'd all love to hear from you all back home.  You can send it to the entire group which Nikki will share at our state group meetings, or just in the subject put the individual you wish to communicate with and Nikki will share those privately.

I'm looking forward to another blessed day.  I hope I can write just as much tomorrow as I have tonight.

God's Blessings


PS - Pastor Thoma, if you are reading this....it's about 11:30pm on our first work night....guess what?  I'm not sleepy.

Nikki Spangler 
For those of you following along at home, here is a VERY brief description of the work sites and who from Our Savior is on which site.  Site #1 Mrs. James - septic site - Trish, Crystal, Solomon; Site #2 Mrs. Arrowood - combo septic & home repair - Nikki & Cecelia are assigned to the septic and James is assigned inside - as you will note from the journals, some rotating goes on; Site #3 Mr. Goldsmith - home repair year 2 - JT.

The highlight of my work day was witnessing a chicken eat a frog (while on the phone with church).  I was able to get a photo and share it here for your edification.  I had no idea that a chicken would eat a frog and was quite startled to see her pull it up off the ground!

Here at Servant Event the folks of Emmanuel Lutheran Church sign up to cook for this big crew while we are here.  There is a gentleman, Mike Bruckner, who for many years served ASE roast beef dinner.  He lost his battle with cancer this past year.  Tonight's roast beef dinner was in his honor AND Darcy's, two losses this year for the servant event family.  I was not expecting that at all and was humbled to have her remembered.  Darcy came to ASE the first two years that a group from Our Savior participated in the event - 2006 & 2007.  Journal booklets & Small Group Study booklets usually feature photos from previous years and Darcy's picture from Servant Event 2006 is in this year's Study booklet also.

What a blessing for my boys & I to have the opportunity to spend 10 days fully immersed in God's Word and christian fellowship so close to her passing.  To be able to that with people who know & remember her is an added blessing.  My time at ASE is always an emotional and spiritual journey.  How much more so this year!  I pray that I continue to be an effective leader, even in the midst of my own journey.