Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Nearing the end

JT - Today we almost finished our site. We ran out of wood before I could finish framing so I have to wait till tomorrow to finish our framing. but the inside of the house finally almost looks complete. And then all of our electrical is finished but one more light we are going to install. and then tomorrow night everyone is going to stay up and hang with each other before we all have to leave. Well it is bed time. good night

Cecilia - Today we had a productive day back on the site. I worked on the roof probably the whole day which I enjoyed. After that and taking showers we went home for dinner. We had fajitas and they were absolutely delicious, as well as the ice cream and brownies we had for dessert. For community life tonight we had a visitor, one of the original pastors to start ASE, who came to sing with us. We also played a game of basketball where we all sat in chairs paired up with an opponent when we couldn’t move from our seats only pass the ball, it was interesting. Then we did spiritual life and worship. After worship, you could tell that the realization that we would soon be leaving started to kick in.  I’m looking forward to our last day of work tomorrow at the site, praying to get all of it done before we go our separate ways.  

James - Some days you're the cow, some days you're the grass, some days you are a sneaky ninja silently eliminating everything in your path. Today I was a painter though. There isn't a whole lot for everyone to do anymore but I was able to keep busy painting a sealer onto the tin roof of Claudine's house as part of a small 4 person crew. The indoor crew finished most of the living room floor, that is, they laid the sub floor, primed it, and put down about 90% of the tiles. Today everyone had their first moment of grief, realizing that we only have one day remaining before we all have to say goodbye. Hopefully we will be able to make this last day a great one and finish everything in a timely manner so we will have more time together with everyone off site. It has been a great year getting to know our family's we have been working for and all the people here. 

Solomon - Today was a very laid back day at the work sites. We got a lot accomplished but it was mostly one or two person jobs that either had to be done one at a time or by a specialist.  This resulted in most of us taking much needed and wanted naps.

Today’s entry is gonna be short and sweet (compared to what I have normally been doing – LOL).  Today was not necessarily a busy day.  Our work site is at a limited capacity of what can be done.  We are in limbo waiting for inspectors and the like before we can start filling in the remainder of our holes that we need to do.  In the meantime, while kids were napping and playing with Dom and Tori at the site, I did about a zillion Lowe’s trips.  Supplies were needed and I was the one who could get it done (and the only other one who could drive the van).  So my first two trips I made sure to text PJ to see if we needed any other supplies before I left, he then responded “I don’t know.  We’ll see when you get back.”  That answer was priceless and made me laugh so hard.  A couple of the text were made just as I was firing up the van to head back to the site only to have to go back into the store to get something else.  I knew right then this would be a day long trip to Lowe’s and back.  I even got to a point I was afraid to text PJ to ask if there was anything else needed.

We will be putting in a full day tomorrow as we do still have a lot of dirt to move to cover the tanks and the rest of the trenches that were dug.  And that will be it.  Tomorrow is our last day at the site and I can’t believe this Servant Event is coming to a close.  I made some new friends and really grew in my own faith.  I pray all these young people who attended this event stay strong in their faith and don’t allow Satan to overtake them with all the temptations in the World.  Every single one of them is a GREAT kid and very blessed.  I feel very blessed to have been part of this group this year.

Tomorrow night will be the all-nighter.  I will stay up for some but I will be the one driving a good chunk of the way home tomorrow while the chaperone for that overnighter will be trying to catch some z’s while I drive.  I will try and do a last blog tomorrow and hopefully Nikki will be able to get it posted.  I am a little anxious to be heading back home.  I do miss my family and my bed to sleep in.  Wanna get lots of lovin’ from those little monkeys at home Wednesday.

Blessings all.

Today was a good day.  Since I needed to get to the Asheville PD to retrieve my wallet this morning (they don't open until 9, work groups leave at 7ish) I stayed back with Dave to run a few errands, including the Police Department, and then ride out to my work site after that with him.  He had a wood burning stove to deliver there.  Retrieving my wallet was painless: in and out in 15 minutes.  Dave & I had some nice visiting time while we ran around.  When we got to the work site, there were some items needed from the nearby hardware.  I went out with Dave again and when we returned it was lunch time!  So I had an easy morning.  Then I think I shoveled more this afternoon than I have all week.  We were able to get everything filled in and I had a fun time hanging out and working with the youth.  Tomorrow we will have to finishing mounding the dirt over our holes so that when it settles it will be an even grade and not a depression, and then seed everything.  Since it has rained at some point everyday, we have made a terrible mess of the yard where we walked around, in addition to all the holes we dug.  A neighbor stopped on her way home and chatted this afternoon.  Said if we ran out of work, come on up to her place - the next log house!  She was very appreciative that we were helping her neighbors.  I expect that Wednesday will be a blubbery one this year, as the tears already started tonight.  That means that we have done our jobs well and stayed out of God's way for the most part.  Time to turn in.  Blessings!