Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Getting it done

Trish Mrozek  - I'm getting a chance to write my post a little early today.  We are still waiting for Nikki's group to return from their site and it is already 7:25 and they still aren't back yet.  They were trying to get their trenches filled before the rain hit today. Unfortunately, there was a horrible accident on the road this evening as a semi truck overturned right in the road.  All three groups were behind because of this but I think Nikki's group was really stuck in the muck on that one. I'm sure she'll blog about it.  

Late yesterday, me and three of the youth teamed together to get the one trench perfect.  I nicknamed us Team Tyler (hoping to get pictures.)  Today we added Ben as he was great with the rake to get everything leveled with it so he was our newest team member.  The five us us ended up finishing the detail work on trench 2 and 3 today.  We left trench 4 to everyone else. We got all four of our trenches dug, leveled and the drainage system in and then were were able to get it covered just as the rain hit. It was a very hot and muggy day working in the heat and sun with very little relief.  Tomorrow we have to dig the two tank holes and the 18 inch line to the drainage spot.  

We have our secret servant stuff to do and I just wish I could do a little something for everyone.  I know it will all work out and I want to make sure that Team Tyler knows that they are a really good group of hard workers that set a very good example and are willing to do whatever it takes to get the job done.

James Spangler  - Today was a long day of work. We were worried about the rain the rest of the week preventing us from completing our we decided we'd just go ahead and finish today! We ended yesterday with only a small portion of it actually dug down to depth and only about half of the width to start, but today everyone pulled off an amazing feat, not only digging the rest, but also all the shaving, measuring, leveling, laying the tubing, and burying it. Inside the old floor was torn up, all the extra "stuff" was cleaned out or organized, and the main portion of the new sub floor has been nailed down. The wake up tomorrow will be a little harder than today but I can't wait to go back and see what we will be able to accomplish tomorrow. It's about time to turn in for the night so hope everyone has a great one! Adios

Crystal Schupbach -Today, we had a very productive day on the work site. It was very long and exhausting, and we had to finish our trenches. It was probably the hottest day here so far and also the sunniest which shows in my weird sunburn design on my back. We had to race against time to bury the pipes in our trenches because a storm started brewing near us. We finished just in the nick of time and then headed back. Later on we had community life, spiritual life, and I had my prayer time discussion with J.T and Pastor Hayter, which I felt was very beneficial to me.

Cecilia Bronsberg - Today we worked more at the worksite and focused on the trench more today to put packing peanuts in the trenches before it rains because it is supposed to rain the rest of the week. We ended up staying later to finish and had dinner. Made a trip to KMart to find stuff for our secret servants. Then we ran around trash cans .

JT Mrozek - So today was probably the most fun day I will have this week! I don't want to say why but the people here will understand that joke! We started the day with supplies so we were able to actually do stuff. I helped put up walls all day, and surprisingly we got farther than I thought we would get. We had great team work, and I believe that the Hailey that I work with (because there are two Hailey's here) is starting to actually like me lol! She is a very hard worker. We got a lot done today! The chicken for dinner was great! Like I saw it on James' plate and then I swear I saw like a dust cloud and then it was gone! OHHH you know what! That dust cloud was probably all the dirt from his sight flying out of his hair when his face hit the plate! anyway I am going to bed. Good night!

Nikki Spangler -  So on a septic site there is work you can do in the rain and work you can not do in the rain.  Certainly you CAN dig in the rain.  You can not lay EZlay in the drainage field if the drainage field is wet.  There are thunderstorms in the forecast for the next three days.  Now that does  not necessarily mean that we will get thunderstorms in our precise locations the way storms chase mountain ridges around here.  Why test it?  SO, both septic sites worked extra hard and extra long today to get our trenches covered.  That doesn't really mean that the trenches are COMPLETED.  There is still work to do on them.  It does mean that we don't have to be quite as concerned about the rain.  Mrs. Arrowood's site is blessed with good soil.  I think we had one stray root that we had to chop off and no significant rocks.  This site has been particularly interesting and challenging for me.  Anyone who knows me well knows that I like structure.  Even though this is a new septic system on a home that is straight piping into the creek, it is for some reason or another classified as a repair.  The trenches were not flagged in advance for us.  There was no perk test.  We were instructed by the inspector to put the drainage field 'right about here' and given dimensions.  Yesterday when she came back out after our tank pit was taking on water she talked about a few options and asked "what do you think?"  (Remember this is an inspector we are talking about!)  This morning we let her know we were hoping to finish the trench today.  She stopped out about noon, let us know that was the only time she could get out that day, checked our progress, and said "Wow, you folks have made really good progress.  It looks like you know what you are doing.   If you get it leveled go ahead and cover it."  We stopped working (with the trench covered) at 5:30!  It was no where near completed when she came out.  This is so foreign compared to my previous experience on septic sites and definitely out of my comfort zone of 'you tell me what you need and I'll do it.'  We have been given an extraordinary amount of autonomy and latitude on this particular project.  I have now missed my midnight and need to turn in.  It was a fulfilling and fun day.  Blessings to all!