Monday, July 15, 2013

Rain, rain, go away!

Cecilia Bronsberg - Woke up early to get ready for church and had a muffin for breakfast while lounging around waiting for service to start. After we ate lunch and left to go tour the work sites we would be working which took up a large chunk of time. When we got back we had dinner and had state meetings to see how things have been going so far.

Solomon Spangler - Today, after the morning routine, I attended the Emmanuel church service which is similar to ours. After that it was a pretty uneventful day, most of which was spent either eating or in the car.

Crystal Schupbach - Today we attended church here at Emmanuel. Beforehand, we had a bible study and spoke together about the parable of the Good Samaritan. The church body was very inviting towards us, and I really enjoyed the service. Later on, we toured the work sites and met the people we would be serving there. The drive to the sites was very adventurous!

Nikki Spangler -  North Carolina has had a lot of rain the last three weeks.  Rain does exciting things to the mountains, like mudslides and wash outs.  Imagine you are used to driving a mid-sized vehicle on relatively flat, straight roads.  Now you are driving a 15-passenger van full of youth.  Takes a little adjustment, but nothing too difficult.  Now drive it into the mountains, with winding narrow roads.  Throw in a few hairpin turns.  Turn up the music and the chatter.  The conversation and music are enjoyable and everyone is having a great time. Participate while keeping primary focus on the road.  No phone calls happening here!  Now let it rain, not just rain - sideways rain.  Wait, why are there orange cones scattered along the edges of the road?  On both sides?  Just a few washouts.  Nothing to worry about.  So long as there is no oncoming traffic and you can drive toward center.  How do you feel?  A little nervous?  Don't worry folks - I have practice!  We all arrived at our final destination for the day safely.  I think I rest well tonight after that drive.  Fortunately no one has to do all that driving in one day again.  It took us about four and a half hours (mostly driving) to visit all of the work sites.  We have three good sites this year - one construction, one septic, and one septic/construction combo.  Everyone is excited to finally get to work tomorrow.  Monday is always a slow day of sorting out tools for the work sites and getting organized.  We pray for dry weather.  We will work in whatever God provides, excepting lightening.

Trish Mrozek
What a blessed day to start off today in worship; this is my first time attending a different MS Lutheran Church.  It is much different than what we have at home but all the same God's word and sacrament comes to us no matter where God puts his people.  

We were able to visit our three sites today.  I will be assigned to the site that needs a septic field dug.  No construction for me this time, which is fine with me.  The Lord put me where he needs me to work and I am happy for that.  This will be short as our day went a little long and I want to make sure I get a good night's rest before our day tomorrowI am excited to get started but also realize I am going to get very dirty and very stinky.

Hopefully I will be back early enough tomorrow to write and submit before all the evening activities to fill you all in our first work day.  God Bless All - Will report back in tomorrow.