Saturday, July 20, 2013


Solomon - Today was another very long day.  It started off very slow and boring but picked up after the sun came out. Unfortunately, part of my group, including me, had to work about three hours late.  Needless to say, we ate dinner in a hurry.  We then headed to Marshall, where I mostly slept.  We then made a late night sonic run and I received an AMAZING disc shooter from my secret servant.
JT -   Another day has been officially accounted for! Today we finished up all the walling of our building! And I was super mad that I wasn’t able to hit a nail today! HAHAHA but it is okay because holding up all the ply wood this whole week has been a great muscle builder! One other thing that I absolutely love about this week is all the worship time I have! Because we get like all day to work and then go to devotional time and then go up to their church they have here, which by the way is a very nice small church! But then we went to Sonic today, which was also a great thing about today!!!! Alright sleepy time!
Cecilia - Woke up today ready for another productive day of work before the weekend. Before getting started with our work I talked to Wanda for a while about when she was a little girl. Once we got to the site I went on the roof with a couple people. Not too long after that, we had to get down because it started raining which made our next task of digging a little bit more difficult because it made the mud a lot more difficult to get off of the shovel. Then we said our goodbyes for the weekend and were on our way to the showers. When we got we had dinner than got ready for going into the town of Marshall to listen to Bluegrass music and dance. It was lots of fun! Before we went home to go to bed we made a stop at Sonic and got shakes.  Then went home excited to sleep in the next day.
James - On the occurrence of my awakening I was very startled to find my slumber had been too excessive and was two minutes short of the time that breakfast would occur. Luckily I must have anticipated such an incident, for I had laid my shower bag, work clothes, and morning materials out already, permitting me to quickly prepare for the day and get to breakfast while it was still being served nice and hot. The rest of the day was rather slow, but I was able to accomplish painting approximately half of the roof today, without it being washed off by the rain this time!! That was a big relief still seeing it there after the short torrential downpour, which I spent the duration of under the house with the kind spider family that consisted of Tory, Kathryla, and Mrs. Spochin. We went to Marshals today and danced to some bluegrass music, I also got a call during that from some awesome peeps back home; Colton, Jordan, and Hannah. Swagsauce. I better wrap up cause it's already past midnight, I'm not sure which would be more difficult to vanquish, a vampire zombie, or a werwhale (werewolf, except a whale). 

Nikki - We are getting down to detail work outside on our site, which makes the day go kind of slow. There is not enough to keep everyone busy.  I felt kind of useless on the job site and just tried to find things to keep the kids moving.  There is plenty to do inside.  However, there is not room for many more people inside than are already there.  I pray that the piles of dirt dry a little over the weekend so that when we are ready to cover everything on Monday, it is easier to shovel & rake to where it needs to be.  We have a fun-filled weekend planned.  At this point the highlight is that we don't HAVE to be up until 10 am tomorrow.  I cannot tell you how I am looking forward to sleeping in.  We even taped up black garbage bags over our windows so that we are not awakened by the early morning  sun.  (Thanks Trish & Jeanette!)

Trish -
Today was a tough day.  We all had a hard time getting motivated and staying motivated today.  It has been a long, hot, dirty work week.  However the Lord has answered our prayers to keep the rain away so digging has been good but hot. 

We were able to finish the trenches, squaring off the D-box and getting both tanks into that huge hole but our Pastor and about 6 of the boys stayed behind to get that done so we could all sleep in tomorrow.  We had an excavator show up to move the D-box (which was a large cement box) into place.  It was also used to help lower the second tank into its spot next to the first one.  So, now all we need to do is all the PVC hookups, and the electrical.  We did find out today that we have to dig one more trench about 7 or 8 feet long, 4 inches wide and again 18 inches deep and that is for the electrical for the septic system.  Needless to say that those of us working on those trenches now call them the traumatizing trenches.  It has been a hard week and we all are ready for a small break.  We still have work to finish and I think a rest from the work to enjoy some fun this weekend, with no pressure, will help to re-energize us to finish this wonderful work the Lord has given us to do for the people in need. 

We still went into Marshall tonight, just a little on the later side.  We had to wait for the other half of our group so we could all leave together.  We had a great time.  Watching and old band play, the kids dancing with their friends, the adults in our group having conversations with the locals, in which I was a part of.  PK was chatting with an elderly gentleman and included me in on the conversation.  The gentleman complimented me and liked my hat.  He had some very interesting information about his family and the area.  He was also very funny.  I did ask him to dance but he didn’t take me up on the offer.

We stopped at Sonic (as is ASE’s yearly tradition after Marshall) to grab some late night goodies.  Some of us walked back.  We are all beat today and look forward to a relaxing day tomorrow.  I may even start my journal in the morning and write sporadically through the day.  I may remember events I wanted to include but have forgotten.

Blessings all, as I lay my head to rest for a much deserved good night’s rest.  (We even used black trash bags to cover our outside window so we can sleep in tomorrow.)