Friday, July 19, 2013

God shows up

Crystal - A lot was accomplished today on the work site. We finished filling in our trenches with the pipes in them and we started the slimmer, longer trenches along the sides. Dominique and Tori were good helpers, as usual, and looked for every opportunity they could to help us. The pit we were digging for the septic tank is getting deep, but I’m not very good at helping with that because I lack height and upper arm strength which are both needed for a pit as deep as it needs to be. The trenches along the sides were definitely more my forte. Frankie gave us a thank you card expressing her gratitude towards us which was so sweet that it almost brought us to tears. Later on, we were exhausted and extremely hot from working in the beating sun, however, Jeanette and Trish surprised us with ice cream bars which were delicious! For the first time, our van beat the rest of the vans back to the YWCA which was pretty exciting for us. However, I never found my clothes that I had left behind the day before.  

Solomon - Today started out kind of slow.  It was cloudy and dreary and I just felt done.  But the day picked up speed and we got a lot of work done.  At lunch, we got a beautiful thank you note from the homeowners at our site.  Today is also FINALLY laundry day.  I was getting low on clothes so it’s nice to have them all clean again.

JT – Okay so today has been a fantastic day! We finally finished the main part of the walls and I am happy. Cause that means we only have a little more work outside to do.  And because I already have a decently good sun burn I do not wish to make it anymore worse than it already is! And now we are doing laundry so I don’t have to deal with James’s sock!!!! Thank the Lord! I guess all my prayers worked lol. Well I am going to get back to my cloths so I will write tomorrow!

Cecilia - Today was a hard start to the morning. I was extremely tired. We went to the worksite and started digging more in the pit, shortly we hit more water in the pit. But that wasn’t a problem because a guy named Bill offered to use the excavator we were going to rent and also pick it up and drop it back off. A couple of us also started to make a ramp for the chicken coop so that a lady that lives there named Wanda could access the coop to retrieve the eggs in the winter. After Bill was done digging we put the tank in and started to fill it up with water. While we waited I thought it would be a good idea to start a mud fight, so I did. It was super messy but also super fun. After that we were totally ready for our showers. We left early because after dinner we went to the laundromat. I’ve never been so excited for laundry before!

Today we experienced a 'God sighting'.  God is always there and if we are paying we can see all over all the time.  Sometimes He shows up in big, obvious, in your face ways.  That is what happened today.  Around 9:45 this morning we hit water again in our tank pit at 3'.  The tank whole needs to be 6' deep.  We called our inspector who had said to call right away if that happened.  She was on the way with her supervisor to visit the site already.  We discussed a few options and they were off, leaving us with some follow-up to do.  We had the kids leveling off the pit but not going any deeper while we were working on a game plan.  Our most plausible option included renting wall supports for the pit and a pump to pump out the water.  Some folks were up  by the road working on the chicken coop.  A contractor that we had met a few days ago at the local building supply store just 'happened by'.  Pastor Chris asked him if he knew of  a way to anchor a septic tank.  He came over to look at what we had going, suggested a few things, and stepped away to make a few calls.  When he came back he said that the local construction rental place would give us a deal on an excavator for a half day, he could go pick it up with his truck for us, run the excavator, and return it.  All for the special $80 rental fee.  After he left, Irene (one of the other ASE adults) came up to me and said that someone had given her an anonymous donation to help with the expense of the work they see us doing for their neighbor.  When she pulled it out of her pocket to give to me she said "Oh my goodness!   I thought that was a $10 bill."  It was not, it was a $100 bill.  Irene had peeked at it as she slipped it in her pocket and believed it was a $10, bringing to mind the widow's mite.  All of this happened within an hour of each other.  See how good God is to us!  

Just as we were finishing lunch Bill (the contractor) showed up with the excavator.  Turns out that we were digging our pit in what was an old filled in creek bed.  Not only was there water, but also LOTS of rocks and shale further down, some very large.  We saw the pit walls collapse at least twice.  Bill also helped us place the tank and stuck around while we got some water in it from the creek to weigh it down and he pushed the 'muck' at the top of dirt pile back into the pit.  We had some great conversation while he was there.  He never did get to his own job site where his men were working.  He said "When God puts something in your path for you to do and you do it, He takes care of the rest.  This is where I was supposed to be today."

There are a lot more little details to this God sighting.  I fear I have not done it justice.  Hopefully I have been able to at least give you a glimpse of what we experienced today.  May you notice when God shows up for you in ways big and small.  Blessings!

I forgot to mention the game we played last night which was a lot of fun.  This game entails a deck or two of playing cards, everyone sitting in chairs in a circle, and dealing each person one card.  Only the suit(s) are relevant in this game.  So then the “dealer” now has a deck of leftover cards in which he calls out the suit.  If you have the suit called you move to the next chair, which means you may end up sitting on someone’s lap.  If someone is on your lap and your suit is called you can’t move.  You can’t move until no one is sitting on your lap.  So as this game progresses, you get people sitting on people up to six laps long (I think we had a couple that may have had seven on the laps).  The idea is to get around the entire circle and end up in your own chair.  It was quite the game with a ton of laughs and lots of moving.  JT actually won this game but he never got to sit on my lap, nor I his and he was sitting behind me in the circle.

Today we were able to get back a little early.  Actually our group was the first ones back.  It felt good to be one of the first instead one of the last.  We are just plugging away on our job in this heat.  Turns out we were working in a heat index of about 97 today.  I know we are getting some pretty hot temps back home in Michigan and in a very small, tiny way, I’m glad I’m here to at least sleep in the A/C (we don’t have it at home).

You can tell the heat this week is taking its toll on our group.  We are all feeling the exhaustion by about lunch time, some a little sooner, some a little later.  We have been keeping a close eye on the kids to make sure they are properly hydrating themselves.  If they aren’t they have to drink enough water to use the bathroom (Jeanette, our resident nurse, basic instructions.  Easy way to make sure they are keeping hydrated.)  I forgot to mention that Crystal and Solomon are on the site with me, so it’s nice to have the three of us from Michigan that are new to this event.

The double tank hole is almost complete.  It measures approximately about 18'.  PJ’s Pit Jockey’s hit that pit hard today and I believe they only have a couple feet to go.  Trenches are at least in place but now need to be about 18 inches deep and maybe a little more straightened out.  So the Trench Team hit that hard today.  At lunch today, PJ read a very touching thank you card from the owner of the property to our group today.  This is what it read: 

“Pastor Jud and his ‘band of little angels’”

The card itself reads: “If there were more people like you in the World….there’d be more smiles like ours!”

“What a blessing you all have been for us.  We did not have money to do all we were told we had to do in order to remain in our home.  Then God sent you to us – you have been such an inspiration to us every day – your bright shiny faces each morning – the hard, back breaking work you did all day and yet you kept a sweet attitude – you certainly have fulfilled God’s commands to “love one another”, we were strangers to you, yet come and filled our needs.  And the way you accepted Dominique and Tori it has made a big influence on their lives.  Maybe someday the will be ministering to those in need also. 

You are a wonderful group and we pray God will lead you and keep you safe so you can continue to bless others the way you have blessed us. 

No words can express the gratitude we have – we pray we will be a blessing to someone else.  Remember - wherever you go our prayers will follow you.  With love and thanks be to God- in His Love – Frankie and Jeff.”

This is what this event is all about.  What joy in my heart God gives us to know that the work we are doing are for people that really need it.  It also helps you know your priorities and appreciate what you have.

Later in the day PJ had us make an ice cream run.  What a relief that felt like and the kids just devoured it.  I think they got a second wind after that short burst of sugar and cold.  We were able to get just a little more done. 

So it’s an early night tonight for working.  We even get a dinner that’s a little early as well.  We go get to do laundry tonight.  Things should start smelling a little better tonight.  LOL

Blessings all, I will report again tomorrow.