Sunday, July 15, 2012

Worship & Fun in the Sun

J.T. Mrozek- Okay so writing these is fun and all but it is getting to be a long process for writing these, hahaha. So today I went to three church services, which was very eye opening. Because we had seven people talk to the whole congregation today. And wow, were they eye opening. And I have to give credit to my friend Zach because he was the only one that broke down in tears before he could finish his speech.  I was impressed on how good everyone did on showing the congregation here the thankfulness we have for them letting us use their church to stay at. And everything they have done for us. There are such great people here; the only bad part is their lives have been horrific. But they realize that God has been here for them and so they make everything out of what they have. And I want to thank all the people that have been reading the blogs Mrs. Spangler has been posting for us. And I want to thank the congregation back at home for everything they have done for us as well. But today I also went white water rafting and compared to the water skiing and tubing I did before I came… this was a breeze.

James Spangler-Today was crazy busy brah. First of all I woke up late, not cool, but I still got breakfast….and seconds. After breakfast we went to the first service, Cole and Patrick did testimonies and we sang a hymn. Once the first service was over we sang at the contemporary service and Margaret and Zach did testimonies, Zach’s got emotional, there was a big group hug. Then we sang a hymn at the late service and Kara, Seth, and Steven gave testimonies at that one. White water rafting after that, it was pretty legit, br00tal basketball, ask a pastor. It was a long day. Broncheasaurus….close enough.

Seth Whitehouse- Today was a great day. I gave a testimony and it went well even though I was nervous. Rafting was a blast. It was probably the best rafting trip yet. The family we helped went with us. Yesterday I also square danced at the shindig. I also got to see Phil and Ryan from past years at dinner today. Hope all is good at home, bye.

Nikki Spangler – Today we rafted.  The water is up higher than I have ever seen it, thanks to all the rain we have had this week.  That meant it was a much faster ride.  It also meant no duckies this year, but I had a lot of fun in my raft with several of the other ladies and Marc, an adult from MD.  I remembered from last time I attempted a raft that I should sit in the back so that I can’t look ahead.  I am so used to canoes & kayaks that my instinct is to want to steer the boat in the same way. Last time I was in a raft I had a hard time waiting for the guide to tell us what to do when I could see it coming.  So I sat in the back this time.  Problem solved! Also, I think the good company helped. You pay less attention to the river when you are busy goofing off.

After rafting I had a Lowe’s adventure with Mike from PA.  I am sure that those days Jeanette & I didn’t get to the work site until 11 or 12 when we were on supply runs, the guys thought we were out getting coffee.  (OK – I admit that we thought about it – but it never happened!) Well, now Mike knows better.  We sat around in flooring at Lowe’s for about 45 minutes tonight while the flooring guy looked for tiles that were supposed to be in stock.  We get a 10% discount at the Lowe’s in Weaverville (where we were) because we work with the Community Housing Coalition, but it is only good at that Lowe’s.  I explained this to the flooring man and asked if it was possible to somehow get the tile from another store and still get our discount.  He had to check with his manager, then call flooring at another store to confirm that they had the tile in stock, then talk to their manager who agreed to honor our discount.  By this time we had half an hour to get across town to East Asheville Lowe’s to get our tile that we need for tomorrow morning before the store closed. We did make it and got the tile.  Ended up missing dinner (Thanks for feeding us anyway Anna!) and community life though.  But we are ready to roll in the morning.  Blessings all!