Monday, July 16, 2012

Monday II

J.T. Mrozek- Today I didn’t do much. But we are ending our time here so we are finishing up and have a little to do. A lot of our group is staying at the church tomorrow so they can do some work around here. And then another part of my group is going back to the house so we can finish up just the little bit we have left. But this time here has been a great time to get to know people and help the people in need. But probably the best part here is seeing the entire beautiful faces smile, and how happy everyone is here. I came in knowing two people and leaving knowing so many more. And I don’t want to leave because I will miss all of this fun time we have all had together. And I just can’t wait till next year. Because next year I most definitely want to go and have fun knowing that I will be able to see all these people next year. Especially my friend Katelyn who is sitting right next to me and is smiling from me putting this on here.

Seth Whitehouse- Today we almost finished our work site, but we’ll have to come back tomorrow to finish up. Also, tomorrow our family will be taking us to this pond to swim after we’re done working. I’m excited and sad for tomorrow, mixed emotions. This year has gone by so much faster. I am really excited for tomorrow surprisingly, but the goodbyes will hit me like a brick wall probably. Hope all is well in Michigan, bye.

James Spangler-Today was awesome, we got our septic tank and tubes delivered, put in, and buried. And although it felt great being able to see the holes being filled and work getting done, we also realize that our time here is ending. Today was the last full normal day. People are already crying downstairs right now (it’s about 10:30 p.m.), I can’t imagine what tomorrow night/Wednesday morning will be like. Tharp the magical Donkeycorn, and her sidekick Tug the giant Gerbil.

Nikki Spangler – I agree with Seth that this year seems to have gone by faster.  This is the first time I have been on (or even know of) a site that has kids who are the same age as our youth.  It is going to be really hard to tell our family goodbye tomorrow.  They have worked and played right along with us the past seven days.  The 14 year old wants to come to servant event next year.  Today on our way back to the church we needed to stop in town at Hot Springs, so we told the kids they could have about fifteen minutes to look around or get ice cream.  Our family has been staying in a motel while we have been working on the house, since all of their furniture had to be out.  They left shortly after us and when they got into town (there is one main street) they saw our van parked in front of the hardware store and the boys came looking for us.  The 14 year old stopped to visit with those who stayed at the van and the 18 year found the rest of us at the coffee shop/ice cream parlor.  As hard as it will be for all of us to go home on Wednesday, I think it will be even harder for them to be left behind.  They have really bonded with our youth, exchanging phone numbers and facebooks to keep in touch.  I pray that this time will have a lasting impact on their lives, not just in the work we have completed on their home, but in the fellowship that we have shared.  These last days are always bitter sweet.  May we live in moment and enjoy them to the fullest.