Sunday, July 18, 2010


Adam: Today we went white water rafting. It was a nice trip. We went down the French Broad river and it was cool. There were some challenging spots and one raft flipped and another got stuck. It was fun to be had by all. Afterward, the kids went to Sonic for ice cream.

Seth: Today we got to sleep in for a little bit and then went white water rafting. It was fun; a lot of people fell into the water. After raftin’ I ate ice cream at Sonic, and I am stuffed and really full. Love you mom and dad, good luck with work.

Luke: We got to sleep in today. 8:30 am… although come to think of it that’s about four hours earlier than I usually wake up in the summer. Rafting was today. This year the water was flowing at 1000 cubic feet per second, which was much faster than last year. It was really cool because right in the middle there was a heavy rain and the surface of the water looked amazing. I went in a raft with five other people from servant event instead of the individual ducky and that was a lot of fun. At one point we were in a calmer part of the river and played “king of the raft” and kept throwing each other off. After we got back from rafting we had snacks in the parking lot of the rafting center. I have poison ivy on my wrist and it’s really gross, I’ve been wrapping it up in athletic tape to keep it from itching and that seems to be working pretty well, but it’s annoying still. Tomorrow is church and then the ASE 2010 barbeque. I’m going to see if we can set up a slip n slide on the hill. Should be fun!

Sarah: Whitewater rafting was the order of the day today. I was in a raft with Kelsey (DE), Joey (MD), Sarah Frusti (Northville, MI), Chloe (DE), and Mark. It was a good time, even though our guide was kind of a party pooper. Jumping off the cliff into the deep part of the river was fantastic; we raft on the French Broad, just so that everyone knows. The water was much deeper this year than it’s been any other year that I’ve gone rafting here, so the rapids were much bigger and faster. There was even a bunch of rain, and we could hear thunder in the distance. I did not fall out of the raft, although I got close once or twice. The rest of today was a free day until community life; Nikki took us to Sonic, which was fun. For community life, we drew pictures on the sidewalk with chalk, and we were supposed to depict the meaning of servant event. In spiritual life, we continued to discuss questions that non-Christians ask of Christians. We always have very interesting discussions in our small groups. Also, we got our t-shirts tonight that we will wear tomorrow for church; I am doing a testimony for the third year in a row, and I am really looking forward to it. Plus, Heather (OH) will be doing hers at the same service, so I have a buddy when I get nervous. Now it’s time for bed.

Rachael: Today was definitely my tired zombie day. It was hard to function because of the sleepiness. We went white water rafting today and it was a blast!! Tuesday is the big day, we go into town and shop and then later that night is the talent show and then the all nighter. My night officially just got better because my dear friend Sarah Frusti just got me Dorito’s. I would say that is a good ending to today’s journal. Night all

Nikki: Since I didn’t journal yesterday, I will share a little about my experience at Marshall. I spent awhile talking to an 84 year old local gentleman. After finding out a little about me and our group, he shared with me the wisdom of his years – take exercise, be good to your woman, refrain from drinking, etc. We had a very nice visit, which included us singing “You are My Sunshine” together. I also spent some time on the dance floor, both ‘slow’ dancing and clogging. Some of their slow songs are not exactly slow, but neither are they the fast paced songs of clogging, so they call them slow songs and couple dance accordingly.

Today was a pretty laid back day. We went rafting and I was in a boat for the first time instead of a ducky (inflatable kayak). I decided that I am just a ducky person and should probably stick to that in the future. We did get to hear some history of the area and the river in the boat, but I didn’t care for the amount of time we spent going backwards or sideways. At least now I can say I’ve tried it. We had every kind of wheather on the trip - overcast, pouring rain, drizzle, and then sunshine.

Mark: Whitewater rafting was the main part of the day today! It was so much fun and Sarah has already told you who was in our raft I wont bother renaming the people. When we first got put into the water we could not paddle together at all! I thought we were not even going to be able to complete the rapids! After some instruction however our guide told us that by the end he could have us ready for class 5 rapids. (we were on class 2 and 3) …I think he lied to us though. By the end we weren’t ready for class 5 rapids but we definitely had gotten a lot better and learned to row together! As it turned out we were one of the best groups that were going down the river that trip! After rafting we came back to Emmanuel and had some free time which some of us went to Sonic and some just laid back and relaxed. (I choose to go to Sonic) (We definitely need more of them in Michigan!!!) It is time for my departure from the computer now though so bye all!