We are currently in Pigeon Forge, TN - our stop over on our way to Asheville. It is always exciting to be heading back to ASE, remembering previous projects and people, wondering who will be back this year and what new people you will meet. I think that we have a great group going this year, with a good mix of personalities, ages and servant event experience. I pray that we will serve effectively as the hands and feet of Christ and that each participant will learn something new and grow in faith as they serve.
Jake Z. Nichols
Getting to Ohio seemed pretty fast, probably cause there was an unlimited supply of snacks. There was a pretty large back up in Kentucky, and I was entertained by realizing how much people suck at driving. At some point in the trip I became extremely bored so I taught Seth the “Lord Of The Rings” on my keyboard. Right now we are staying in a town that is perfectly fit for a zombie apocalypse. I would write more, type, but Jimmy is cranking up the TV and it’s hard to think. … … … blah.
David J. Lang
Today we just did a lot of driving and eating. We are currently in Tennessee in a very touristy town. There are miles and miles of tourist attractions. The car ride has been pretty good so far we have had a Good Time. There isn’t a whole lot to write about today so I am signing off, to be continued.
Seth Whitehouse
Well, it was a long day in the car today. It took us longer than expected to get to Pigeon Forge; there was thirty or so car collisions reported in Lexington, KY. But, the ride was made more enjoyable by playing with Jake’s keyboard and listening to James’s guitar. The day ended well with good pizza from Papa John’s and interesting sights in Pigeon Forge.
James Spangler
The majority of our day was spent in the car; a bad accident on the freeway caused it to take longer than expected. The north bound side was completely stopped so at least we were moving, I saw some guys playing chess on the back of their car while some other people were just walking around or sitting outside their car. Besides that the trip went smoothly and we got to Pigeon Forge without any problems and enjoyed some fresh pizza to end the day.
James Pacey
We excitedly set forth from Our Savior at 9:00 AM. We saw some nice scenery as we passed through Ohio, including the location where Big Butter Jesus once stood. While we were delayed due to traffic, the trip was made bearable by good company and conversation. Finally we arrived at Pigeon Forge, TN, a most eclectic and interesting town. The short drive from the highway to our hotel was quite amusing due to the attractions and shops in this tourist center.
Rachel Appold
Today we mainly just drove. Everyone basically slept the way down. Jake Nichols brought his keyboard with him so that he could entertain us, even though we forced him to “teach” us how to play it. The most memorable time this whole trip was putting a cheese ball in James mouth while he was sleeping and then waiting 10 minutes to record his reaction. The worst part of the trip was when we were getting close to Lexington, Kentucky, and there were about 30 collisions. Lucky we were southbound and not northbound, because northbound was closed and the line kept getting longer and slower. People were walking around and the funniest part was watching a group of people play chess on their car. When we arrived at our destination, we thought we were in heaven because we met pigs flying around in a circle. No, not really. It was a decoration for one of the amusement place in Pigeon Forge. At one point we thought it would be a great place for the zombie apocalypse. We got Papa John’s pizza, but because it was right next to a chocolate shop, of course we had to go there. We got back as soon as they closed the pool, so unfortunately we could not end our evening with a cool dip.