David Lang
Today was a little cooler than Monday and Tuesday. On the addition today we started finishing the roof, we started insulating the two walls we built, we were also working on the plumbing. Tonight for dinner we had some delicious meat loaf, potato salad, corn, and rolls. We are right now doing our laundry. We are having a pretty good time so far. Talk to y’all tomarra.
Rachel Appold
I dug in the trench that was built down a hill. I can’t wait till Saturday, when I can sleep in. I enjoyed when a puppy came over twice for attention. We all couldn’t resist a puppy that adorable, so we took a little break from work to pet the little guy. It was very hot, but the trench I was working in was in the shade. We left early, to shower and eat dinner. We are at the laundry matt right now, and we will be heading over to family dollar for some fun. Tomorrow, we head to Marshall.
James Spangler
Today was rather slow. I haven’t had good luck sleeping here. The first night I hit my head on a cupboard, the second night I fell of my cot, and last night I fell off and my air mattress landed on top of me. I got to cut up another tree as well as lay some pipe today. It wasn’t a very eventful day so I don’t have much to write. Hopefully tomorrow will be more eventful.
Seth Whitehouse
Today we made a lot of progress on our sites. The people digging the trench to connect the trenches to the tank pit got a lot done. Also, we got a lot done on the pit, including digging out a huge boulder, with the help of Ryan Deberry from last year and another ASE alumni who came to help for the day. Today was fun, and so far the laundry is going smoothly.
Jake Nichols
I helped attach the water pipes today at the top of the mountain. Not really the top. But close. It rained a little and I really didn’t do much work today. There was nothing to do. Well, we’re almost done with our site. I seem to forget everything after I see it, oh well. That’s just an oh well.
Jimmy Pacey
Done!! Well, not totally. But, site two did complete the septic tank system. I can now proudly say that my name is signed on a septic tank in North Carolina that I helped install. The pipe running to the stream has been laid. Just need to tap into the stream and put in the small reservoir then running water will be ready for the house. All the youth continue to bond over the shared work and success. It is amazing to see and be a part of the community being built.
What they haven’t told you – Jake has been playing music for the prayer portion of evening worship. He is doing a beautiful job helping to create a prayerful and reflective mood for this part of the evening. David and one other youth stayed late at the worksite yesterday and went in early this morning with the two men leading the work on Pearl’s bathroom addition.
It was slightly cooler today. I am reaching the point of exhaustion and will be very glad to sleep in Saturday morning. Despite the tiredness that we all feel, there is the sense of accomplishment in a job well done. We are not finished yet, but we can see the progress being made. I have a great group of youth on my worksite as well as in my van to and from. They are hard workers but fun to talk to and banter with as we work and travel together. There have been no afternoon naps in my van the last two afternoons, which is unusual at this point in the week and is a testament to the camaraderie of the group. There is different energy this year despite the heat and sun that we have had. I must retire for the night so that I can get back to work in the morning. Blessings to all!