Sunday, July 21, 2024

Weekend Fun

Kaidence Neil

Saturday we went rafting, and I loved it!  Our guide Patrick was so awesome and he brought us through all the best parts.  We also stopped at jump rock on the river, and I got to jump off twice into the water.  I got such an adrenaline rush from the first jump that my legs were shaking wwhen I was walking up for the second time.

Izzy Sullivan

This weekend has been packed with so much fun!  On Friday we went to Feed and Seedwhere they played bluegrass music.  It was a blast.  On Saturday we went white water rafting it was so much fun!!!  Our guuide Patrick was the best.  We got to jump off a roc and I ended up falling out of the raft at the end.  One of by far the best days!!! Not to mention we fot to sleep in and then eat an AWESOME breakfast courtesy of Steve.  Sunday we sang for the two services and took group pictures.  We are going to leave to downtown Asheville soon.  I am sure that will be just as fun.

Lauchlan Sullivan

We went white whater rafting which is lots of fun.  My sister actually fell out but she is fine.  It was a new experience and I will go again if I can.

Nikki Spangler

Friday we were able to lay the materials in our trench and cover before the rain came.  I heard from Rich over the weekend that the EZ flow we discovered ran the entire length of what was supposed to be our second trench.  Rich & Seth moved the trench further downhill to clean soiland machine dug it over the weekend on order for the job to get completed by Tuesday.  This trench still needs to be inspected in the morning.  We still have the bottom trench to cover once inspected, connections to make and the tank to cover.  

As you see from the youth, we've had a busy weekend of recreation and worship.  Tomorrow is back to work. Two more work days, an all nighter, and then we head home.