Sunday, July 14, 2024

Getting There


The plans of mice and men... Getting our entire group to ASE this year has been an adventure.  I am writing from the Charlotte airport while I have breakfast at 6:00 in the morning.  My son, Solomon Spangler was ordained into the Holy Ministry on the same day Servant Event started.  My gracious friends and comrades from St Paul Northville and St John Midland agreed to take Our Savior's four youth participants down in their vans, leaving very early Friday morning, without me so that I could be at this milestone event.  The plan was for me to fly in and arrive by bedtime on Saturday.  I expected to arrive during evening worship, which ends the first night by placing our individual Covenants on the altar.  Sadly there were delays and I am still not there.

In the meantime, our youth have already been serving!  Host congregation Emmanual has purchased a shipping container for ASE tool and supply storage.  It arrived just last week and needs some work.

As far as journals, I will endeavor to have something posted daily from here on out.  May not be from everyone everyday, but we'll all participate.

Lauchlan (from yesterday)

Today is the 13th and in the morning and afternoon of today we dug a small trench to lay conduit to power a storage unit